A fundraiser to help get out the vote

We have an important election coming up in November and we are happy to support voting registration and education efforts. If you’ve been a Batch fan you know we have a Supreme Court themed cookie we make in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - a delicious chocolate oatmeal cookie. We first starting baking up batches of these cookies that her husband Marty Ginsburg would make for their grandchildren after she passed away with all sales going to support Legal Voice and Lavender Rights Project.

We are bringing this popular cookie back and 100% of all sales of these delicious cookies through November 5, 2024 will go to support voter registration, education and organizing work with Black Voters

Matter and the Movement Voter Project.

You can learn more about the work of Black Voters Matter at https://blackvotersmatterfund.org.

You can learn more about the work of Movement Voters Project at www.movement.vote.

You can learn more about Martin Ginsburg’s cooking and love for his wife at https://www.npr.org/2011/12/12/143352409/at-the-high-court-a-tribute-to-a-chef-supreme.